Virtual reality standards: Too early or long overdue?
Imagine that you bought a new printer for the office. You connect it to your PC, install its demonstration software and make sure that it works well. Then, an unfortunate surprise: your word processor...
View ArticleMy daughter’s dinosaur teaches math: When virtual pets roam our homes
Don’t laugh, because this is going to sound a little weird: let’s talk about the ethics of virtual pets. Sure, it’s probably not something you’ve thought about a lot, but consider it for a second. As...
View ArticleHow VR training apps are finally becoming a reality
Virtual Reality garnered plenty of headlines this past year. Most of the coverage – from former President Barack Obama virtually visiting Yosemite National Park to Fox live streaming the Super Bowl –...
View ArticleWhat are the unique requirements of public VR?
A good treadmill for home use costs around $1,000. A treadmill for use in a health club could be ten times more expensive. Why would club owners agree to pay so much more? Because they understand that...
View ArticleCan virtual reality enable 3D creation for all?
If you look at the evolution of capturing the world around us, we keep getting closer and closer to what the world actually looks like. We started replicating nature using painting and sculpting, caves...
View ArticleAdobe sees VR and wearables as next great travel disruptors
A recent report from Adobe Digital Insights claims that augmented and virtual reality, along with wearable technology, will be the newest travel industry disruptors. Mentions of wearable gadgets for...
View Article5 fantastic things VR can do for children
From learning to entertainment, VR has captured a plethora of opportunities and fields. Questions about VR being safe for children were raised continuously but now seems to finally be answered...
View ArticleInspiring the next generation of content creators
The arrival of virtual reality means we now stand at the cusp of a shift in how media will be created, shared and consumed. The immersive and interactive nature of VR promises to go far beyond today’s...
View ArticleWhat Facebook F8’s AR/VR announcements mean for marketers
Last week, Facebook once again created buzz in the AR/VR industry with a series of announcements at the F8 Developer Conference. With 2 billion active users on Facebook and a mission to be the leader...
View ArticleHow recruiters are employing VR to impress candidates
According to a 2016 Deloitte survey, fully two-thirds of Millennials expect to leave their current jobs by 2020. What does that mean for human resources departments? A fluid and robust job market has...
View ArticleEye tracking in VR/AR: The promise and the perils
What if everyone knew exactly what you are looking at? Chat with a stranger and she will know if you focus on her eyes, chest or belt. Talk with a neighbor and he’ll know when your gaze is wandering...
View ArticleAImotive games its Project Cars to test self-driving software
Testing self-driving software on public roads can be incredibly expensive, with the cost of the car, the hardware, the license, and insurance potentially reaching into the millions. AImotive, a...
View ArticleWhat brands need to know about VR and AR [Infographic]
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) sound like great novelties on the surface, but what can these technologies do to help your brand? The answer might surprise you. According to this...
View ArticleUltrahaptics finds deep pockets for their groundbreaking AR/VR tech
With the rapid development of VR and AR technologies, we have experienced fascinating virtual environments, but in terms of haptic feedbacks and vivid feelings, the market still lacks practical and...
View ArticleVarjo emerges from stealth with awesome new VR/AR display
It takes a lot of effort to create a solid virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), or mixed reality (MR) experience. The hardware, including the headset and system hosting the experiences, have...
View ArticleGoogle slashes needs for YouTube creators working on VR content
Google is launching a new video standard for YouTube creators that want to shoot VR content. The new standard, VR180, records 180-degree videos, reducing the amount of specialized software and hardware...
View ArticleHear from the Midas List: Check out our IoT Revolution Symposium speakers
The IoT Revolution Symposium is less than a week away — and you don’t want to miss it. Hear from top industry analysts, VCs and angel investors about where the market is going and in what products to...
View ArticleHow universities are defining the future of VR
Higher education has always been fertile ground for the creation of new, boundary-pushing technology. While VR software and hardware innovation have been, to date, largely the domain of startups and...
View ArticleVR/AR headset sales to reach 100 million by 2021, says IDC
Sales of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) headsets are estimated to reach 100 million by 2021, a tenfold improvement on the 10 million shipments recorded last year. That the forecast...
View ArticleFacebook slashes price of Oculus Rift for second time
Facebook has slashed the price of the Oculus Rift for a second time, as part of its “Summer of Rift” sales season. The Oculus Rift and Touch controller are available for $399 and will remain at that...
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